Retina Specialist Near Me

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Is an after-hours or weekend appointment obtainable with a Retina Specialist Near Me?

Most ophthalmologists know how important it is to offer patients convenient availability for their working schedules. You can easily find an after-hours appointment during the week which means any availability scheduled after 5pm. Most specialists do not have weekend availability, but our massive network of specialists makes finding a weekend appointment easy.

Do Retina Specialists Near Me offer telemedicine consultations?

Optical issues should usually be addressed in person with a variety of tests. Some providers offer virtual consultations but most times the patients end up coming in to see a provider in-person. If you do make a virtual appointment, it will most likely be covered by your insurance if the practitioner conducting the visit is in-network with your carrier.

Will I be able to get a same day appointment?

Same or next day availability is obtainable with many of our practitioners. Our extensive network of doctors allows patients from all over to find a local physician with convenient availability. Most users can make an appointment within 24 hours of their initial search.

Will I be able to find a physician who will accept my health insurance?

Most of our featured locations accept all commonly used health insurances.

What steps should I take to make my appointments online with a Retina Specialist Near Me?

You can easily confirm appointments online directly through our website. Discover a location in proximity to you. Make sure the provider you are interested in can offer you clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the clinician who fits all your medical requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your healthcare decisions.

What is a Retina Specialist?

The retina is a layer of tissue located in the back of your eye. It senses light and sends images to your brain. In the center of the tissue is the macula which provides central sharp detail needed for reading, driving, and seeing fine detail. Disorders of his organ will distort your ability to see accurately and sharply. A specialist of this orbital tissue is a medical doctor who specialized in ophthalmology and then sub-specialized in diseases and surgery of the vitreous body of the eye.

Common diseases treated are:

  • Tear – happens when the vitreous (gel substance in the inner eye) shrinks and then pulls at the thin layered organ causing a tear. It usually accompanied with a sudden onset of symptoms such as floaters and flashing lights.
  • Detachment – presence of fluid under the tissue usually after there is a tear and fluid pass through it
  • Diabetic retinopathy – a diabetic patient has deterioration in the capillaries in the back of the eye. This causes fluid to leak into and under the tissue causing swelling which burring and distortion of vision.
  • Retinitis pigmentosa – inherited degenerative disease that slowly distorts night and side vision
  • Macular degeneration – the macula begins to deteriorate and begins to affect central vision and sharpness. There is usually a blind spot in the center of the visual field. There are two types, wet macular degeneration, and dry macular degeneration. The dry form is more common, and it usually progresses to the wet form.
  • Epiretinal membrane – There is a crinkled membrane lying on top of the retinal tissue and causes it to pull up. Sight become blurred or crooked.
  • Macular hole – usually caused from injury to the eye or friction from vitreous fluid

What causes Age Related Macular Degeneration?

Age related macular degeneration also known as AMD. AMD is when the natural aging process begins to damage the part of the orbital that controls sharp, straight-ahead optics. The part that becomes damaged is called the macula. AMD is the leading cause of sight loss. It doesn’t cause complete blindness, but it does make it hard to see faces, drive, close-up work, and read. Risk factors for AMD is having a family history, being Caucasian, and smoking. The only way to lower your risk is by aging in healthy way by making healthy lifestyle choices with physical activity and diet. Your doctor will dilate your pupils to look at the structures in the back of the optics to check for degeneration. If you are suffering from degeneration surgery and injections are the only way to treat it.

Can exposure to sunlight cause cataracts?

Yes. It is now believed that excess exposure to UV light can cause cataracts. The proteins found in your lenses are structures so perfectly that they transmit light so you can properly see. Exposure to sunlight causes oxidative stress on these proteins and causes them to clump together, giving you the cloudiness, you see in the lens when a person has cataracts. This clouding causes the light to scatter rather than transmit.

What causes epiretinal membrane?

It is part of the normal aging process and is most common in patients over 50 years of age. The main causes happen when the vitreous peels away from the tissue of the back of the eye. It can also for following surgery and is sometimes associated with inflammation, blockage of blood vessels, and diabetes.

Main symptoms include:

  • Loss of central sight
  • Blurred and/or distorted sight
  • Problems with recognizing faces and reading
  • Straight lines start to look wavy
  • Double vision

This is a short list of specialists available for your family members. Make sure to discuss any specialty treatment needed with your primary provider.

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