See the perfect practitioner for you in Bronx, NY and book your appointments completely online.
With such a large database of providers, you can find and choose the one who has the availability that works with your schedule. This includes morning, evening, or weekend appointments.
Yes. You can decide which practitioner would be best for you based on several reasons, including personal characteristics. Use the filter feature to narrow down you search and read verified reviews and ratings.
Having so many clinicians to decide from makes getting a same or next day appointment easy. Take full advantage of our extensive database of practitioners and get fast, convenient, and exceptional care.
Most New York practitioners offer Covid-19 rapid and PCR testing. Rapid testing is usually offered to people that are symptomatic while PCR testing is used for asymptomatic individuals or people looking for a school, work, or travel clearance. The rapid test can produce results within 30 minutes of specimen collections, the PCR is usually sent out to a reference lab and for those reasons, the turnaround time is typically 72 hours. Only select locations have vaccination capabilities. Look for a clinician in your area that can treat all your covid-19 needs.
Most practitioners offer patients an initial telemedicine consultation to decide if your condition can be treated virtually. Only minor injury or illness can be treated through telemedicine, such as: ear infections, colds, flus, UTIs, and minor dermatitis. Medical advice, follow-ups from a procedure of office visit, or certain prescriptions refills can also be completed virtually. The practitioner will discuss treatment options with you during your initial virtual evaluation.
Yes. Each featured provider has a verified review and rating. You can also choose to only see a provider with positive ratings.
Looking for an innovative clinician in a small town used to be a difficult task. Small town or large city, you’ll be able to schedule with a highly ratedclinicianright here.
When you need great medical care, you can find it here.
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Visits available during the early morning, evening, or weekend
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