General Physician Near Me

General physician near me find and book appointments online

Fast, convenient, exceptional medical care that has never been easier to manage. Find and book same day appointments with a top practitioner local to you.

Is there a general physician near me offering covid-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations?

Most if not all clinicians can perform covid-19 diagnostic testing. This is the same for the covid-19 vaccination and booster shots. It is typical that rapid tests are used for individuals that are symptomatic while PCR testing is used for patients who are asymptomatic. Have your doctor test you for travel or clearance to go back to school or work. Whatever your testing needs are, you can access them with one of our featured providers. Also inquire about your eligibility for the covid-19 booster shot with a certified healthcare professional.

Will i be able to verify insurance coverage?

Our featured practitioners accept all commonly used health insurances.

How do i make my appointments online with a general physician near me ?

You can easily confirm visits online directly through our website. Discover a provider who is local to you. Make sure the practitioner you are interested in can offer you clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the clinician that fits all your medical requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your decisions.

Is it possible to find same or next day availability?

We have such an extensive network of highly rated healthcare professionals; the abundance of providers enables patients the flexibility when choosing the provider that works best for them. Same or next day availability is completely obtainable.

Will i be able to book after-hours or weekend appointments?

Primary care practitioners usually have extended evening hours Monday-Friday which caters to the typical working and school schedule. Only a select number of medical practices offer Saturday and Sunday availability. If you are looking for availability after 5pm during the week or anytime on the weekend, you can find it here.

Do general physician near me offer virtual consultations?

All providers offer their patients the ability to do a virtual consultation/evaluation appointment. In some cases, your doctor can diagnose and treat you completely virtually but there are other times where in-person treatment may be necessary for your injury or illness. Book your virtual visit and try to eliminate the need for a trip to the office.

What is the difference between family medicine and internal medicine doctors?

Both practitioners can take care of adults, but internal medicine doctors have training in family medical care and many other specialties. They tend to be more involved in medical difficulties affecting adults. Family doctors have a broader training in medicine which allows them to treat both children and adults. They are an advocate for disease prevention and maintenance of mental a physical wellbeing.

There are also a large variety of specialty practitioners that include but are not limited to:

  • Allergists – also known as an immunologist. They focus on. Preventing and threatening allergic reactions and conditions.
  • Dermatologists – specialize in illness pertaining to the skin, nails, and hair.
  • Infectious disease doctors are highly trained in contagious diseases such as cellulitis, influenza, bacterial infections, hospital acquired infections, tuberculosis, HIV and parasitic infections (to name a few)
  • Ophthalmologists – treat eye and vision
  • Obstetrician and gynecologists - provide disease management and preventative care for female reproductive organs and the developing fetus of a pregnant woman.
  • Cardiologists treat conditions of the heart and blood vessels
  • Endocrinologists – specialize in disorders of the endocrine system and hormone disruption
  • Gastroenterologists – treat disorders of the digestive system. Including the esophagus, pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder, colon, and small intestine.
  • Nephrologist – treats disorders of the kidneys

Can my primary doctor help with gastrointestinal issues?

You can locate a specialist who can figure out the root cause of your GI symptoms. They may initially prescribe you medication until they can narrow down the cause- many GI illness can be caused by bacteria, virus, or parasites and may have nothing to do with the food you are eating. If your symptoms persist, you may be referred to a GI practitioner or an allergist/Immunologist.

Can a pcp help with mental illness?

Your primary doctor can manage and control your mental health illness with a variety of treatment options. Most doctors help screen for depression and start the process of treatment before a patient sees a specialist in psychology of psychiatry. Depending on how severe the practitioner believes the patients depression or anxiety is depends on the course of action. Sometimes your provider will just prescribe you medication or refer you to a specialist or maybe both. Depression, anxiety, and distress related to grief are the most common cognitive health issues treated by a doctor. You session with your provider will be much shorter than a therapy session but it is important to bring up any mental health concerns you have with a trusted professional. The top 5 common mental disorders that are helped managed by a primary provider are:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social anxiety disorder

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