Heart Doctor Near Me

Can I book a same or next day appointment with a Heart Doctor Near Me?

Finding a same or next day appointment with a specialist has never been easier. Our extensive network of practitioners offers flexibility and an abundance of availability for all patients looking to make an in-person or virtually conducted appointment.

Can I book a virtual appointment with a Heart Doctor Near Me?

Virtual consultation visits have become a major advantage to treatment. Many of our featured providers do offer virtual visits. This lowers patient to patient contact and exposure. Only minor injury and illness can be treated completely virtual. As well as prescription refill for certain medications and any medical advice that may be needed.

Which medical treatments can a Heart Doctor Near Me offer?

A cardiologist is a certified medical practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular issues. This includes both issues of the cardiac muscle and the vessels. They are qualified to treat hypertension, valve disease, arrhythmias, failure, and myocardial infarction.

How can I use your website to make all my appointments online?

Manage your healthcare online and completely through our website. Discover a practitioner who is local to you and make sure they can offer you are clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the clinician that fits all your requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your healthcare decisions. Once you have narrowed down the perfect provider, you can book and manage all aspects of your healthcare completely online.

Are there any practitioners with after-hours or weekend availability?

Many of our specialists know how important it is to provide patients with availability which works best for their schedule. Our large network of physicians allows each person to narrow down a practitioner who has the availability best for them. Many practices have extended evening hours Monday-Friday for people who have a normal workday and for children in school. Weekend availability may be on a limited basis, but you can search for a practitioner with weekend availability and make your appointments right here.

When should I see a cardiologist?

Cardiologists are highly trained and experienced professionals who are equipped to handle many diseases that relate to the cardiovascular system. There may be many reasons to see a cardiologist and depending on your health insurance you may need to see your general practitioner for a referral to a specialist before making an appointment. Speak to your practitioner about seeing a specialist if you are experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting spells
  • Chest pains
  • Fluttering sensations in the cardiac muscle
    1. Fast beats also known as palpitations
      Heat skipping a beat
      Erratic thumping
      Racing pulse

These symptoms could resemble other disease states which do not require intervention from a specialist. And some symptoms may be so severe you should call 911 or seek attention from your local emergency room.

Severe cardiac symptoms include:

  • Squeezing, pressure, or tightness in your breastbone
  • Pain spreading to your back, left arm, and jaw
  • Sharp pain in the chest with shortness of breath – especially if you haven’t been exerting yourself
  • Nausea, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, dizziness, confusion, gray color of the skin, excessive sweating.
  • Hypotension or very low pulse

Warning signs of passing out:

  • Cold and clammy
  • Weak
  • Dizzy
  • Lightheaded
  • Stressed or anxious
  • Nauseous
  • Hot and suddenly sweaty
  • Headaches
  • Vision changes
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Loss of muscle control

Most common causes of fainting:

  • Cardiac issues - a lack of oxygenated blood being pumped to the brain
  • Carotid sinus – Can happen if the carotid artery in the neck is pinched or constricted. The carotid is the main artery which supplies blood to the brain. This type of fainting happens when someone where a tight collar, stretches the neck too much, or has a bone in the neck who pinching the artery.
  • Situational – certain body movements which cause drop in blood pressure
  • Vasovagal – When a person experiences a stressful event, emotional stress, the sight of blood, physical or emotional trauma, pain. It pumps less which causes pressure to drop and then leads to passing out.
  • Certain medications
  • Dehydration
  • Drop in blood sugar
  • Not eating enough
  • Hyperventilating
  • Using alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal drugs
  • Standing up to quickly
  • Working out in the heat

What tests should I expect from my cardiologist?

Cardiologists perform many tests and question patients about their family and medical history to get a clearer picture of the health of each patient. They may also use a variety of tests to get an inside picture of exactly how the cardiovascular system is functioning. This includes:

  • EKGs
  • Cardiac catherization
  • Stress Tests
  • Biopsies
  • Ultrasounds

These common tests will evaluate the overall health of the patient’s cardiovascular system. They can help diagnose and treat common conditions such as congenital cardiac disease, vascular disease, and coronary artery disease.

Will I be able to find Covid-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations at my local medical office?

Many private medical offices now offer Covid-19 diagnostic testing to everyone. Most facilities have the rapid test for symptomatic individuals and the PCR for asymptomatic patients. You can also be tested for a safe return to school or to travel. The Covid-19 vaccination is only available at select locations for people of the appropriate age. Speak to your provider about their supply of the Covid vaccines as well as your eligibility for the booster shot.

  • Laser treatment which opens the blocked drainage tubes
  • Surgery
  • Drops which help to lower pressure

What is measured during a routine wellness physical?

An annual routine physical is an amazing way to prevent serious disease and stay on top of your mental and physical wellbeing. At your routine wellness physical, your doctor will start by speaking to you about any new concerns or complaints you may have.

Your physician will then:

  • Discuss your personal history and ask you questions about your lifestyle and behaviors such as smoking, alcohol use, sexual health, and vaccination status.
  • Important vital signs will then be measured Blood pressure will first be checked to rule out hypertension. Pressure is normal if it is below 120 over 80. Hypertension is considered when pressure is 130 over 80 (or higher than 80)
  • Heart rate Normal range is between 60 and 100.
  • Respiration rate Normal range is 12-16 breaths per minute. If you are breathing more than 20 times per minute, it could indicate a problem with the heart or lungs.
  • Temperature A normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius)
  • General appearance Your doctor can tell a lot about your health just by looking at the way you carry yourself, walk, talk, hue of the skin etc.
  • Heart exam The practitioner will use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and listen for any irregular beating patters.
  • Lung exam While the provider is listening to your heartbeat, they will also listen to the sounds your lungs make as your breath in and out. They listen for crackles, wheezing, or decreased breath sounds which might indicate heart or lung disease.
  • Examination of the head and neck The health care provider will have you open your mouth so they can check on the health of your throat, tonsils, and teeth. They will also look in your ears, nose, eyes, and sinuses for signs of inflammation or infection. Checking lymph nodes and thyroid gland is also typically performed during a routine physical.
  • There will then be a full body scan where your provider will check the abdomen for liver size, fluid, and bowel sounds
  • Neurological check for nerves, muscle strength, balance, and reflexes
  • Dermatological look for skin and nail issues

After your healthcare clinician does a full cognitive and body check they might take a blood and urine sample for some laboratory analysis. Typical tests include:

Yes. It is now believed that excess exposure to UV light can cause cataracts. The proteins found in your lenses are structures so perfectly that they transmit light so you can properly see. Exposure to sunlight causes oxidative stress on these proteins and causes them to clump together, giving you the cloudiness, you see in the lens when a person has cataracts. This clouding causes the light to scatter rather than transmit.

  • Urinalysis which gives the doctor a better idea of how well your kidneys are functions
  • Complete blood count does a qualitative and quantitative check of the red and white blood cells
  • Comprehensive metabolic panel
  • Lipid panel to keep your heart and vessels health

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In case of a medical emergency situation, dial 911 or visit your nearest emergency room urgently.