Pediatric Eye Doctor Near Me

Pediatric eye doctor near me find and book appointments online

Search, find, and book a same or next day appointment with a top-rated pediatric eye care practitioner in your area. Fast, convenient, and quality healthcare made easy.

Is there a pediatric eye doctor near me after-hours or weekend availability?

We have so many featured providers obtaining a same day appointment for the late evening, or the weekend is an easy task. Most featured practitioners offer extended evening hours as well as weekend availability. There are also many practitioners who provide patients with an on-call provider who can take phone calls for emergencies at all hours of the night. Find the perfect physician with the best availability for your family.

Can i find an optical physician offering virtual appointments?

Most physicians do offer virtual consultation or evaluation appointments but with ocular care, there may only be a few minor illness and injury that can be evaluated virtually. During your consultation your provider will let you know if you need to come into the office for in-person treatment.

Is it possible to get a same or next day appointment?

Most guests using our website to find a physician and appointment availability can book within 24 hours of their initial search. This is due to the large number of top-rated providers we have featured on our website. You can easily book an experienced and educated clinician with the office hours that are perfect for your schedule. Managing your child’s healthcare has never been easier.

Will i be able to verify insurance coverage with a pediatric eye doctor near me?

Our featured practitioners accept all commonly used health insurances.

How can i use your website to make all my appointments online?

You can easily confirm visits online directly through our website. Discover a provider who is local to you. Make sure the physician you are interested in can offer you clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the clinician who fits all your health requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your healthcare decisions.

How often should i take my child to an ophthalmologist?

It is recommended that children have their first exam when they are between 6-12 months of age. At a minimum each child should return for an exam every 1-2 years especially after a child starts school. School vision screening tests are insufficient for testing a child for vision problems, they only screen for nearsightedness.

What are the most common optical issues in children?

  • Amblyopia –a child has a refractive issue like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or both and it is left untreated it may result in amblyopia also known as a lazy optic.
  • Strabismus – crossed orbitals happen in about 4 out of every 100 children. Treatment is imperative, if the orbital is left out of alignment the brain may begin to ignore it to prevent double vision.
  • Cloudiness may mean cataracts. This happens if the protein inside the lens clumps together and begins to look cloudy. It usually happens in older adults, but it can also be congenital as well. It can also be a sign of a retinoblastoma which is a form of cancer of the retina.
  • Conjunctivitis –the white part of the optic is irritated from an infection. It can be caused by a bacterium or a virus and is very contagious
  • Stye – red sore bump on the edge of the lid which is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Blocked tear duct – 20% of babies are born with a tear duct that is blocked. This happens due to tears which do not drain properly and causes water, irritation, and infection.

What is a retinoblastoma and what are the warning signs?

It is a cancer that develops from the immature cells of the retina. It is a cancer that is rarely found in adults. It’s the most common type of malignancy found in children. Retinoblastoma can be found in both optics or just one and it is from a genetic mutation in the nerve cells of the retina. Hereditary retinoblastomas usually present in both retinas and appears at an earlier age. It is usually discovered in children less than 5 years old and is found in boys and girls equally.

The signs and symptoms can be difficult to spot. One tell-tale sign is reported by multiple mothers is the occurrence of one pupil not reflecting red after a photo is taken. One pupil will look red after a photo flash and the other will look white. It is called the lack of red reflex.

Other symptoms include:

  • Orbitals looking in different directions
  • Poor vision
  • Redness
  • Swelling

  • Genetic testing to see if your child is at risk for other cancers
  • Genetic testing to be sure they won’t pass the mutation down to their children
  • To see if your other kids would be at risk for a retinoblastoma and other related cancers
  • Genetic testing on you and your partner to see if you have the possibility of passing other oncology related genes down to future kids.

Treatments include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation either localized or through an external beam
  • Thermotherapy which is a heat/laser therapy used to directly destroy cancer cells
  • Cryotherapy – intense cold therapy used to destroy cancer cells
  • Removal surgery and artificial replacement
  • Clinical trials

Your pediatrician will check for signs of a retinoblastoma during routine check-ups. Make sure to stay up to date with your well visits.

Why is botox effective at treating migraines?

OnabotulinumotoxinA or Botox is a neurotoxin made by a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. If it is contaminated in food and you eat it, it can cause a deadly reaction that paralyzes your muscles by blocking the signals from your nerves. It is safe it is not digested and just injected in small doses. It is utilized in cosmetic procedures to paralyze the muscles in the face and smooth out wrinkles. It can also be used to treat people with cerebral palsy and patients who have tics and other spasms. It was first discovered to treat migraines when patients who used Botox to get rid of wrinkles reported that their migraines subsided. It is believed to treat migraines because Botox blocks neurotransmitters that bring signals to your brain, but it stops the chemicals before they get to the nerve endings in your neck and head. You are only eligible for Botox for headache treatment if you have more than 15 headaches a month and more than half of them are severe migraines.

Is there procedure that can be done to relieve muscle knots and tension?

There are many holistic procedures that can be done to relieve the tension and pressure of muscle strain. Massages, heat, acupuncture, and plenty of hydration can all relive muscle strain. If holistic approaches are not working prescription muscle relaxers can be given to the patient if the physician who is treating you, believes it’s okay. There are also trigger point injections which contain an anesthetic, a steroid, and sterile salt water injected into the afflicted area with a thin needle. Trigger point injections are effective at treating:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle discomfort in. the legs, arms, lower back, and neck
  • Tension headaches
  • Myofascial pain syndrome

Botox injections can also be used to treat migraines by paralyzing certain muscles strained during one of these severe headaches.

How does acupuncture work to manage discomfort?

Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Tiny needles are inserted into the skin at various points throughout the body. It is believed that the technique changes the flow of energy by inserting the needles through the energy flow pathway. Your energy flow is then re-balanced after the insertion of the needles. Western medicine philosophy believes that these points stimulate nerves, connective tissues, and muscles which boosts the natural defense mechanisms in your body. Acupuncture is used for the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Chemotherapy-induced sickness such as nausea and vomiting
  • Dental aches
  • Headaches
  • Labor
  • Low back and neck discomfort
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Allergies, rhinitis, and respiratory disorders
  • Infertility

Acupuncture should not be used by people who …

  • Have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners because the needle insertion could cause extra bleeding and bruising
  • If you have a pacemaker because the electrical pulses associate with the needles can affect the operation of the pacemaker
  • You are pregnant because it may stimulate labor

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