Primary Care Physician Near Me

Primary care physician near me find and book appointments online

Find and book a same day appointment for all your symptoms. Receive in-person or virtual visit with a top clinician in your area.

Will i be able to book a same day appointment with a local physician?

We have several qualified medical professionals in your area with plenty of same of next day availability. This includes in-person or virtually conducted appointments.

Will i be able to make all doctor appointments completely online?

Making your appointments online has never been easier. Just enter your location to find practitioners in your area. Once you find the practitioner you are interested in, you can read their verified patient reviews and confirm they have availability that fits your schedule.

Can i verify insurance coverage before confirming with a medical professional?

All our top-rated featured physicians accept the commonly used health insurances.

Will my local provider provide covid-19 testing and vaccinations?

Most practitioners can provide Rapid and PCR Covid-19 diagnostic testing to their patients. This could include testing for patients who are symptomatic, asymptomatic, encountered a positive individual, or need a negative test for travel purposes. There are also many practices with vaccination and booster availability. If you are worried about the Covid-19 vaccine your doctor can provide you with trusted resources. They can also help you determine when and if you should receive the booster vaccination.

Are there any primary care physicians near me who offer after-hours and weekend availability?

Many top-rated medical professionals offer extended evening hours Monday-Friday to help accommodate people who work well into the evening. Many providers also offer open clinic hours for shortened availability on the weekends. You should be able to find in-person or virtual visits conducted on Saturdays and Sunday with many featured practitioners.

Do most medical professionals offer virtual telemedicine visits?

Many, if not all our featured providers offer virtual telemedicine visits to patients with acute injury and illness or questions about their chronic illness management or test results. If your practitioner decides that you will be better treated with an in-office visit, you may need to see your doctor in-person for optimal treatment. Most virtual appointments are covered by your insurance if the provider conducting the visit is in-network. If there is any doubt in coverage you may need to contact your carrier directly.

What medical services will a primary care physician near me provide?

Physicians provide many services to their patients. This could include but is not limited to …

  • Health screenings for a variety of cancers or illnesses
  • Annual physicals needed for schools, jobs, camps, or just your annual check up
  • Acute illnesses such as ear infections, sinus infections, or strep throat
  • Vaccinations
  • Referrals
  • Chronic illnesses that your clinician helps you manage

There are many illnesses that your physician can help you manage:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Treatments after stroke
  • High levels of cholesterol
  • Arthritis
  • Psoriasis and other skin issues
  • Asthma and COPD

Will i be able to find a pcp that will help me manage my chronic kidney disease?

Many people in the United States suffering from chronic kidney disease, and most of the time their PCP is the doctor who catches, diagnosis, and begins treatment. There are many factors that could make a patient at a higher risk for kidney disease; hypertension, family history of CKD, and any person over the age of 60. There are additional minority groups that are also at a higher risk for CKD including African Americans, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Hispanics, and Asians. People suffering with obesity are also at risk.

The beginning symptoms of kidney failure:

  • Itching
  • Muscle cramps
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Trouble catching breath
  • Too much urine or not enough
  • Appetite changes

If your kidney suddenly stops working

  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • Vomiting
  • Rash
  • Nose bleeds
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea

If you have CKD your clinician will help you manage your illness through lifestyle changes such as:

  • Staying on a low salt diet
  • Keep up with physical activity 30+ minutes a day
  • Maintain regular checkups with your doctor
  • Do not smoke tobacco and limit alcohol

Your provider will run the following tests to monitor and manage your CKD

  • eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) – your kidneys filter your blood, if you have excess creatinine in your blood, it is an indication your filtration system is not working properly
  • Urine tests to look for protein – protein in the urine could suggest high blood pressure and/or another indication that they aren’t filtering properly
  • Blood pressure – high blood pressure damages the filtering capabilities

When should i start looking for a new practitioner?

There may be several personal and professional reasons why you would want to look for a new practitioner. The following is just a short list of reasons that would make you seek a new provider.

  • Replacing your current doctor with a new one because you are not happy with the one you have been using.
  • Changes to your health insurance due to life events; loss of job, gain of job, marriage, divorce, retirement, etc.
  • New concerning symptoms
  • Preventative medicine- for example seeing a dermatologist that will look over any unusual skin changes.
  • New diagnosis of a illness

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