Mental Health Doctor Near Me

Mental health doctor near me find and book appointments online

Book same day appointments and take control of your psychological wellness. There is a top-rated psychologist in your area ready to talk; find them here.

Will i be able to obtain same day appointment?

There are many specialists that can offer same or next day visits as well as same day virtual visits for a psychological consultation. If you are not feeling like yourself, do not delay care. Find and book a psychologist right here and being your therapy today.

Can i confirm a mental health doctor near Me is in-network with my insurance?

Our top-rated psychological providers accept all commonly used insurance plans.

How can i make my appointments using this website?

You can easily book online directly through our website. Find a practitioner who is local to you. Make sure the provider you are interested in can offer you clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then book the clinician who fits all your medical requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your decisions.

Will i be able to receive after-hours and/or weekend appointment availability?

Many shrinks provide weekday after-hours availability for any person looking for availability after 5pm. There are also a lot of professionals that either provide in office or virtual visits for a psychoanalysis on the weekends. Find your perfect appointment with a trusted professional right here.

Is there a mental health doctor near me who can offer a virtual visit?

Most therapists offer virtual visits for consultations or behavioral psychoanalysis sessions. Locate a practitioner who offer virtual visits by looking for a video icon.

If i have thoughts of self-harm will i be admitted to an in-patient facility?

Most of the time if a patient has thoughts of self-harm or harm to others they will be admitted to an in-patient facility where they can get the help they need. In-patient care centers are a great place to heal while being provided with unbiased non-judgmental and supporting therapeutics from a variety of professionals.

What are the reasons a person would delay care from a mental health doctor near me?

Many individuals are embarrassed to admit they are suffering from a psychological disorder, even though most of the population is either seeing a therapist or should see a therapist. Many individuals suffer from the following, which could interfere with receiving the treatment they need.

  • Denial – Individuals needing care are in denial about needing it. It is hard to reach out for treatment when you feel most vulnerable.
  • Stigma - The main reason why people go into denial about needing therapy is due to the stigma that has been placed on needing professional treatment. There is no stigma! Everyone needs therapy, and it should be part of an annual physical regimen.
  • Psychological conditions which make it hard to for people to do everyday tasks such as making appointments. Depression and social anxiety disorders can make it feel impossible to speak to a stranger about booking an appointment.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is their ability to prescribe medication. Psychiatrists are needed when patients have disorders of the brain such as schizophrenia.

Psychologists are needed for patients needing extra care when dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, and an array of other coping mechanisms.

If you are suffering with the following symptoms search for practitioner that aids in optimal reasoning and perception:

  • A recent loss or death
  • How to cope with death
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Depression
  • Severe phobias
  • Marriage, family, or relationship stress
  • Habits and addictions that are harmful
    • Drug addition, smoking, or drinking
    • Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders
    • Management of stress
    • Insomnia and other sleeping issues

What are common treatment options used by a psychologist?

When it comes to psychological care, there are 5 main types of therapy.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to help people struggling with negative thoughts or are looking to break a bad habit. The practitioner will listen to a patient to gain understanding of their thoughts and behaviors. Once a pattern is confirmed the specialist will work to help the patient practice coping mechanisms and break habits that cause self-emotional harm
  • Psychodynamic – helps individuals focus on self-examination and self-awareness. It helps patients get to the root cause of relationship issues or any kind of suffering.
  • Humanistic- focuses on the persons day to day life based on the choices they make due to their view of the world. It helps people find their true self and acceptance.
  • Psychoanalytic- dives in the subconscious or unconscious thoughts of the individual. It is often used for people that have compulsions, phobias, or obsessions
  • Integrative or holistic approach- it deals with deeper understanding of the spirt, body, and mind. It focuses on how one area of a person’s lifestyle can affect other decisions made.

What is a phobia and what are the most common?

A phobia is an intense, persistent, and unrealistic fear of an object, animal, or situation. It interrupts the natural decision making and living of a person’s life. The most common phobias are the fear of:

  • Failure
  • Death
  • Developing disease
  • Spiders
  • Driving
  • Small spaces
  • Heights
  • Flying

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