Internal Medicine Doctor Near Me

Internal medicine doctors near me find and book appointments online

Find and book a local highly rated internist for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Get quality care fast.

Are patients usually able to obtain same day appointments?

Our extensive network of internists provides an abundance of availability when it comes to booking same or next day appointments. Find the availability that is perfect for your schedule right here.

Will my insurance cover virtual consultations?

If the specialist who is conducting your virtual appointment is in-network with your health insurance, then all services they provided should be covered. If there is any doubt in coverage you can speak to your carrier directly

Can i confirm insurance coverage before making an appointment?

Our featured specialists accept all commonly used health insurances.

What steps should i take to make my appointments online?

You can easily confirm your visit online directly through our website. Discover a practitioner who is local to you. Make sure the physician you are interested in can offer you clinic hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the clinician who fits all your medical requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your health decisions.

Will internal medicine doctors near me offer after-hours or weekend availability?

Most internists work in a hospital setting and help diagnosis and treat complex medical conditions for adults. Usually working in a team of practitioners. Because of this, they can usually offer patients 24/7 availability. This is if you go to the hospital for any emergency or you are admitted for any reason. If you choose to book an appointment with an internist within a medical group, most office hours are Monday-Friday and extend into the evening.

Do internal medicine doctors near me offer virtual appointments?

Because internists are specialists, they only offer virtual consultations or evaluation basis. They are usually involved in complex cases and help with diagnosis and treatment which would best be conducted in-person. Virtual visits are also good if your internist is familiar with you and your condition, and you need a prescription refill. You can easily find a specialist offering virtual visits directly through our website, then you can book immediately.

What subspecialities are usually found under internal medicine?

Internists have special education and training in the diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. Internists help with the care of cancer, heart disease, infections, kidney disease, joints, digestive issues, vascular systems, respiratory issues, as well as primary care for mental health, substance abuse, and even illness relating to the skin and the nervous system. As you can see these specialists are well educated in several areas and have many subspecialities, such as:

  • Hospitalists – are internists who manage patients who are in the hospital. They are dedicated to clinic management and are keen to quality and safety
  • Adolescents – therapies focused on the physical, social, sexual, and psychological development of adolescents.
  • Cardiovascular disease – specialty physicians treat patients with chronic and acute cardiovascular conditions like coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and may others.
  • Endocrinology – specialty of the endocrine system and deal with hormonal regulation and normal physiology. They deal with the structure and function of various organs such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenals, ovaries/testes, pancreas, and the hormones they secrete and their target tissues.
  • Gastroenterology- research, diagnose, and treat issues of the gastrointestinal tract and liver
  • Hematology- advanced training in illness of the blood, bone marrow, hemostatic, and vascular systems.
  • Infectious disease – advanced training in contagious illness
  • Medical oncology – cancer therapeutics
  • Nephrology
  • Geriatrics
  • Allergy and immunology
  • Orthopedics

What is the role of a hospitalist?

The training and education of a hospitalist is the same as a primary physician only your PCP treats patients within their practices and a hospitalist treats patients within a hospital setting. They may also have several subspecialities including work with pediatrics and geriatrics. They fill the gap between your care at your primary doctor’s office to the hospital and from the emergency room back to your primary physician. They work in unison with many specialists including your primary physician and will follow up with them after they treat you in the hospital.

A hospitalist has training in:

  • Coordination of care between doctors and specialists
  • Acute medical treatment
  • Evaluation and ordering of diagnostic testing
  • Transition of treatment between specialists
  • Palliative care

A hospitalist might first order several typical tests that are run to get a better idea of the basic wellness of a patient. This includes:

  • Complete blood count (CBC) – a test measuring WBC, RBCs, and platelets
  • Basic metabolic panel – check on metabolism, measures kidney function, electrolytes, and glucose levels
  • Lipid panel – monitors cardiovascular status by measuring cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Urinalysis – can be used to test for a wide range of diseases
  • Bacterial cultures – the growth of bacteria from various specimen samples to see if you are colonized with pathogenic bacteria or normal flora.
  • They may also request imaging testing such as an EKG, MRI, or x-ray

The hospitalist is the practitioner who joins all areas of treatment together to focus a comprehensive plan for the patient to get back to health and wellness

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