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Find a Doctor Near Me and Book Appointments Online

With many convenient locations and an abundance of appointment availability, you can easily book appointments online with a local physician.

Do most physicians offer virtual telemedicine visits?

Most if not all medical professionals now offer telemedicine visits. If your injury or illness cannot be treated virtually, your provider will determine whether you need to come into the office during your virtual evaluation. Telemedicine visits are usually covered under your insurance if the provider conducting your visit is in-network. If there are any doubt in coverage speak to your carrier directly.

Can I Find a Doctor Near Me who accepts my health insurance?

Most featured physicians accepted all commonly used insurance plans.

Can I Find a Doctor Near Me with Covid-19 testing and vaccination capabilities?

Most providers do offer covid-19 Rapid or PCR diagnostic tests to patients who are symptomatic or believe they have been in contact with a positive person. Many featured physicians also have Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters available to their patients. Speak to your practitioner about scheduling your vaccination and discuss whether you qualify for a booster.

Will I be able to book a same day appointment with a local physician?

Our extensive network of high-quality featured medical providers makes scheudling a same day appointment easy. Make an in-person or virtual visit with any top provider and get the care you need and deserve in timely manner.

Will I be able to make all appointments completely online?

Making your appointments online has never been easier. Just enter your location to discover practitioners in your area. Once you have found the practitioner you are interested in, you can read their verified patient reviews and confirm they have availability that fits your schedule.

Will I be able to Find a Doctor Near Me with after-hours or weekend availability?

Many top-rated medical professionals offer extended evening hours Monday-Friday to help accommodate people who work well into the evening. Many providers also offer hours for shortened availability on the weekends. You should be able to schedule in-person or virtual visits conducted on Saturdays and Sunday with many featured practitioners.

How do I know which specialty provider I should be booking with?

The following is an extensive list of physician specialists. This helps patients narrow down the practitioner they are looking for. Locating a practitioner who can take care of your concerns properly is imperative.

  • Primary Care Physician (PCP) – Depending on your insurance your PCP may need to write a referral to see a specialist
  • Allergy and immunology – a Dr. that specializes in the immune reaction elicited by an allergen
  • Dermatology – the study of the skin’s function and pathology
  • Obstetrics and gynecology (ObGyn) – pregnancy and female reproductive specialist
  • Pediatrician – provider for children
  • Urology – Urinary Tract Dr.
  • Podiatrist – a Dr. who treats problems with the feet or lower leg including the ankle.
  • Oncology – Treatment of cancer
  • Cardiology – Dr. of the heart
  • Endocrinology – specialist of hormone and metabolism function
  • Geriatrics – study of aging and disease in our senior citizen population
  • Nephrology – study of the kidneys
  • Neurology – study of the nervous system and brain
  • Orthopedics – specializes in structure and function of bones, could be a surgeon specializing in bone fixation
  • Gastroenterology – Gastrointestinal specialist

When should I start looking for a new practitioner?

There may be several personal and professional reasons why you would want to look for a new practitioner. The following is just a short list of reasons that would make you seek a new medical professional.

  • Replacing your current clinician with a new one because you are not happy with the one you have been using.
  • Changes to your health insurance due to life events; loss of job, gain of job, marriage, divorce, retirement, etc.
  • New concerning symptoms
  • Preventative medicine- for example seeing a dermatologist that will look over any unusual skin changes.
  • New diagnosis of a chronic disease

What chronic disease can be managed by a primary physician?

Primary clinicians help patients manage several acute and chronic disease states. They are the liaison to the rest of your healthcare. They advocate for your wellness and make decisions about when to refer you to a specialist. These practitioners provide an all-encompassing treatment plan that keeps their patients feeling their best. Many chronic diseases are also managed and monitored by a primary clinician. Diabetes can be monitored by checking a patients’ blood glucose level and making sure they are not suffering from secondary diabetic complications like foot wounds, neuropathy, and retinopathy. Hypertension is usually treated with medication and blood pressure is one of the common vitals that are taken as soon as you enter your providers office. Obesity can also be managed through discussion of diet and exercise, health resources, information on support groups, and monitoring weight gain/loss, as well as total cholesterol and a variety of other tests. The next couple illnesses are also managed and monitored by a primary clinician.

  • Sleep apnea
  • Thyroid disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Recurring allergies

What lifestyle changes can be made to lower blood pressure?

Most of the time high blood pressure can be fixed with proper lifestyle changes which include fixing your diet, increasing physical activity, and stopping smoking or drinking alcohol and/or caffeine. Sometimes even with lifestyle changes, hypertension needs to be treated with medication. Your physician can help you make the right changes to lower your blood pressure and speak to you about proper medication that may also help.

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