Emergency Clinics Near Me

Emergency clinics near me find and book appointments online

Find and book a same or next day appointment at your local clinic or walk-in and get immediate relief for your nagging symptoms.

Are there emergency clinics near me with same or next day availability?

Clinics have instant availability for your emergent but non-life-threatening needs. You can find a convenient location and book your same or next day appointment or walk-in and receive on-the-spot treatment from a top healthcare professional.

Are there emergency clinics near me who will accept my insurance?

Our featured medical centers accept all commonly used health insurances.

Is there a medical center nearby with telemedicine availability?

When it comes to critical medicine, seeing patients in person is much more effective than seeing a patient virtually. However, there are many establishments who will offer a virtual evaluation for advice about a non-life-threatening issue. Find them here and book your immediate evaluation with ease.

What steps do i need to take to make my appointments online?

You can easily confirm appointments online directly through our website. Find the best location in proximity to your home or place of work. Then, make sure the location closest to you has available office hours that fit your healthcare needs. You can reserve a same day appointment or walk-in and get fast, quality, attention from a trusted professional.

Are there emergency clinics near me with weekend or after-hours availability?

Med centers that can provide instant care for non-life-threatening injury and illness are usually open 7 days a week with extended evening and weekend hours. There are also many locations that stay open 24/7 including weekends, holidays, and all hours of the night.

When should i go to an e.r. for my injuries or illness?

Knowing when to go to a clinic vs. when life-saving intervention is needed is a great way to stay prepared for a crisis. All health providers give proper treatment to any of life’s bumps and bruises. They provided quality therapeutics for common illness caused by cold and flu, ear/eye infections, strep throat, and mild gastrointestinal symptoms. An E.R. can also provide the same treatment for minor issues, but they also provide lifesaving interventions for major trauma victims.

Go to the E.R. if you are suffering with:

  • Chest pain/difficulty breathing
  • Weakness/numbness on one side of the body
  • Speech that is slurred
  • Fainting
  • Serious burns
  • Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
  • Fever with rash
  • Severe broken bones
  • Facial lacerations
  • Seizures
  • Head injury
  • Heart attacks

Which conditions are commonly treated?

Med centers are a great way to provide non-emergent therapeutics to patients who are not suffering from a life-threatening injury or illness. It is more affordable and quicker than going to your local E.R. The following illnesses are typically treated:

  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Common Colds
  • Non-Severe Cases of Covid-19
  • Otitis Media (ear infection)
  • Seasonal Flu
  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Labs, IVs, EKGs
  • Pink Eye
  • Respiratory illness (non Covid-19)
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs/STDs)
  • Rhinitis and sinus troubles
  • Strep Throat
  • Urinary Tract Infections

On top of treating minor and common illness, the following minor injuries are also treated:

  • Bug bites and Stings
  • Bone Fractures
  • Mild Burns
  • Cuts, stitches, and scrapes
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Head Lice
  • Sprains
  • X-Rays

Many locations also give preventative and primary medicine which includes:

  • School Physicals
  • Immunizations and Vaccinations
  • Work Related Physicals
  • Drug and Alcohol Screenings

How do i know i am choosing the right immediate care medical center?

There are many questions you can ask yourself when choosing any new provider. Location is a major factor in choosing an appropriate facility. Also, ask yourself if the staff is educated with the proper training to help you heal from an injury and illness. Find which locations offer the most convenient clinic hours for your schedule. Double check the facility is equipped to handle your medical issues, and lastly check insurance coverage and/or affordable self-payment options.

Are there specialists on staff for women’s issues?

Yes. There are many locations with gynecology specialists on staff, they provide a long list of services for women in need of prompt medical attention that is non-emergent or threatening your life. Many clinical gynecology specialists offer diagnosis and therapeutics for the following:

  • Pap smears
  • STD testing
  • Contraceptives
  • Sexual guidance/education
  • Pregnancy tests and counseling

Can an immediate care center also offer primary care?

Primary medicine and disease prevention is also available at many locations. Preventive medicine can help educate patients how to prevent future disease or injury. Or help people manage a serious chronic disease such as diabetes and secondary diabetic complications. You and your provider will review your medical history, have a conversation about current health risks or disease, talk about immunizations and vaccines, and discuss counseling about diet, physical activity, and limiting drug, tobacco, and alcohol use.

Is there an immediate care center that can help with mental health issues?

Any trusted health professional will do their best to help a patient with mental health crisis. Even if the provider cannot offer treatment themselves, they can find you the help you need. Most locations are equipped at helping patients who are suffering with the following mental health disorders.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD & Trauma
  • Bipolar
  • Borderline Personality disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders

Many instant care facilities can also provide patients with opioid overdose reversal medication and there are trained and educated professional on staff who are capable at handling most overdose patients.

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In case of a medical emergency situation, dial 911 or visit your nearest emergency room urgently.