Clinic Near Me

Clinic near me find and book appointments online

Get immediate medical care at your local top medical center. Find the best locations and book your appointments online or walk-in for immediate medical treatment.

Will i be able to obtain a same day appointment?

With the abundance of featured med centers available, most patients using our website can find an appointment within the first 24 hours of their initial search. Make your appointment or walk-in to a local med center for immediate care.

Can i confirm that a clinic near me is in-network with my insurance?

Each of our top-rated featured locations accept all commonly used insurance plans.

Can i find covid-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations at a clinic near me?

Most, if not all locations have Covid-19 diagnostic testing available. Rapid and PCR tests are used for confirmation of Covid-19 infection. Tests can be obtained if you are asymptomatic but have encountered a positive person, if you are symptomatic, or need to obtain a negative test for travel, work, or school. Covid-19 vaccinations are only available at select locations.

How can i make my appointments online?

You can easily book online directly through our website. Discover a practitioner who is local to you. Make sure the provider you are interested in can offer you availability that fit your schedule. Then book the provider who fits all your health requirements and read reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your decisions.

Will i be able to receive after-hours and/or weekend appointment availability?

There are many med centers offering patients after-hours appointments. This is considered any visit booked after 5pm from Monday-Friday. Weekend availability is also common at an immediate care facility. Easily discover a location with the hours that fit your schedule.

Is there a med center practitioner who can offer a virtual visit?

Many providers at your local medical center can provide patients with virtual visits. It is a great way to conveniently treat people with minor injury or illness. It is great for calling in prescriptions or evaluating a new acute issue. Virtual visits are used to treat minor illness such as UTIs, minor dermatitis and skin rashes, conjunctivitis, cold, and flu.

What medical services are offered at a clinic near me?

The staff is full of highly educated and dedicated professionals who are experienced at treating many common illness and injury. If you are not suffering from a life-threatening emergency, you can skip the E.R. and head to your local immediate care facility for treatment.

Most treatment centers have the following services but are limited to:

  • Diagnose and treat common illness like strep throat, bladder infections, ear/nose/throat infection, and conjunctivitis. Prescription can and will be written as well by a trusted practitioner.
  • Administer common immunizations such as flu, pertussis, hepatitis, and pneumonia
  • Provide primary services including well visits, sports and camp physicals, wellness screens, help with weight loss, monitoring of chronic disease, smoking cessation, and TB testing
  • Treatment for minor wounds and abrasions, sprains, minor dermatitis like poison ivy, ringworm, acne, and lice.
  • Routine lab tests, counseling for diabetic patients, and people with high cholesterol and blood pressure.

Many facilities also offer preventative and primary medicine which includes:

  • School Physicals
  • Immunizations and Vaccinations
  • Work Related Physicals
  • Drug and Alcohol Screenings

When should i go to an emergency room for my injuries or illness?

Knowing when to go to an emergency room is a great way to stay prepared for emergency situations and receive the fastest treatment you can. All providers give fast attention to any of life’s bumps and bruises. They offer quality therapeutics for common illness caused by cold and flu, ear/eye infections, strep throat, and mild gastrointestinal symptoms. Emergency rooms can also provide the same therapeutics for minor issues, but they also provide lifesaving interventions for major trauma victims.

Go to the emergency room if you are suffering with:

  • Chest pain/difficulty breathing
  • Weakness/numbness on one side of the body
  • Speech that is slurred
  • Fainting
  • Serious burns
  • Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
  • Fever with rash
  • Severe broken bones
  • Facial lacerations
  • Seizures
  • Head injury
  • Heart attacks.

Are there specialists on staff for women’s issues?

Yes. There are many locations with gynecology specialists on staff, they provide a long list of services for women in need of immediate attention that is non-emergent or threatening your life. Many gynecology specialists offer diagnosis and therapeutics for the following:

  • Pap smears
  • STD testing
  • Contraceptives
  • Sexual guidance/education
  • Pregnancy tests and counseling

Will i have access to primary medicine?

Primary medicine and disease prevention is also available at many facilities. Preventive medicine can help educate patients how to prevent future disease or injury. Or help people manage a serious chronic disease such as diabetes and secondary diabetic complications. You and your provider will review your medical history, have a conversation about current health risks or disease, talk about immunizations and vaccines, and discuss counseling about diet, physical activity, and limiting drug, tobacco, and alcohol use.

Can i get mental health care at a med center?

Anytime you need help with your mental health you can seek out any provider. They will either be able to provide treatment themselves or they will point you in the right direction. You are never alone when it comes to mental wellness. Any med center can help you get the proper care you need.

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This site is for general information purpose only. Doctor Near Me site do not provide any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions regarding medical health advise, diagnosis or treatment then please contact directly to your doctor or healthcare provider for specific medical needs.

In case of a medical emergency situation, dial 911 or visit your nearest emergency room urgently.