Children’s Clinic Near Me

Children’s Clinic Near Me Find and Book Appointments Online

Find and book a same or next day appointment with a highly rated children’s clinic in your area.

Will I be able to find after-hours or weekend availability at a Children’s Clinic Near Me?

Most immediate med centers are open 7 days a week with extended evening hours as well as weekend availability. There are even many locations which are open 24/7 including weekends and holidays. When you need treatment for non-life-threatening injury and illness you can get immediate attention at your local med center.

Will a Children’s Clinic Near Me offer telemedicine visits?

Most providers can perform a virtual consultation to patients with minor injury or illness. This may include a minor rash, UTIs, ear infections, seasonal allergies, and a variety of other common ailments. Telemedicine is typically used as an evaluation, if your physician believes you need to come into the office for optimal treatment, you may have to.

Is there a Children’s Clinic Near Me with verified Google reviews?

Each featured med center has a verified Google review. You can even choose to book an appointment or walk-in to a location near you which has only a 5-star rating!

Are people usually able to obtain a same day appointment?

Our large database of physicians and med centers makes it easy for patients to find and book a same or next day appointment.

What steps should I take to make my appointments online?

You can easily confirm appointments online directly through our website. Search for a convenient location then make sure they can offer you hours that fit your schedule. Then choose the facility who fits all your medical requirements and read their verified Google reviews so you can go in-person feeling confident about your healthcare decisions.

Will I be able to find Covid-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations at my local acute care facility?

Many acute treatment facilities now perform Covid-19 diagnostic testing to everyone. Most facilities have the rapid test for symptomatic individuals and the PCR for asymptomatic patients. You can also be tested for a safe return to school or to travel. The Covid-19 vaccination is only available at select locations for people of the appropriate age. You can also get resources on the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine at most local medical facilities.

What services does an acute care facility for pediatrics offer?

Pediatrics acute care facilities offer many primary and urgent care services to children from birth to approximately 21 years of age. Services include but are not limited to:

  • Routine check-ups
  • Immunizations
  • Sick visits
  • Physicals for employment, camp, school, sports, or drivers license
  • Healthy lifestyle counseling
    • Growth and development
    • Nutrition
    • Safety
    • Mental health

When should I go to the E.R. with my child instead of local acute care?

You should also seek immediate medical attention from a local hospital for your kids if the following symptoms present themselves.

  • Stiff Neck
  • Extremely high fever
  • Dehydration
  • Seizures
  • Major trauma
  • Major injury with excessive bleeding
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Head trauma
  • And any other life-threatening injury or illness.

Can I go to pediatric acute care if I am under 18 and suffering with a mental health crisis?

Mental health issues in people of any age seems to be a crisis in this country. If you believe you are suffering from mental health, a practitioner you reach out to will be able to help you. This includes your primary physician of pediatrics or even a professional at your local urgent care. When it comes feeling your best, cognitively, the healthcare community is here for you. Many practitioners can provide counseling, resources, or referrals. Please seek medical attention if you are an adolescent suffering with any of the following common behavioral and emotional struggles. /p>

When should I go to the E.R. with my child instead of local acute care?

Reflexes are involuntary actions or movements that are spontaneous and happen due to normal baby activity. It’s an evolutionary development in humans that allows the infant to survive, either when there is a stimulus, or they are cuing needs. Reflexes in newborns are checked to determine if the brain and nervous system are functioning properly. The following are normal reflexes seen in infants:

  • Rooting – when the side of the baby’s mouth is touched, he/she will turn its head towards the feeling of the stimulus thinking it’s a breast of bottle
  • Suck reflex – the baby will start to suck if the roof of their mouth is touched
  • Moro – also called the startle reflex. The newborn will show signs of being startled when subjected to a loud noise or sudden movement. Their own cry can even cause this response
  • Tonic Neck – This is also called the fencing reflex. It presents as the infant’s head turned to one side and on that same side the arm is extended. The arm on the opposite side is pulled in towards the body
  • Grasp – stroking the palm of the infant will cause it to close its hand
  • Stepping – holding the infant up with its feet slightly touching a surface should cause the infant to step which appears like he/she is dancing.

You should also seek immediate medical attention from a local hospital for your kids if the following symptoms present themselves.

  • Stiff Neck
  • Extremely high fever
  • Dehydration
  • Seizures
  • Major trauma
  • Major injury with excessive bleeding
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Head trauma
  • And any other life-threatening injury or illness.

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